
Occupational Therapy & Ergonomic Consultations

We offer a full range of Occupational Therapy and ergonomic consultations using trained professionals that are top in their class. We take great pride in our service of care, ensuring your business gets the greatest return on your investment in your people.

Ergonomic Consultant

Our expertise as an Ergonomic Consultant gives you professionally adept appraisal of the work environments in which your people operate. We undertake office workstation assessment as well as manual handling assessments to ensure your people can function optimally as they go about their daily roles.

Occupational Therapists

As proficient occupational therapists, we provide you with the insight you need to ensure a healthy and productive work environment for your staff. We provide assessment, analysis, documentation and reports across the wellbeing of your people and their practices.

Return to Work Consultations

When you have a staff member who is returning to work, whether that’s to the previous role or a new one, we can help. Our expertise lets you develop a transparent plan of action so that everyone knows where their own responsibility lies to help your staff member gain control of their life and be work ready in the shortest possible, sustainable way.

Insurance Fitness Consultations

For insurance companies, we can provide a range of services that support you in supporting your clients. We offer vocational assessment for example for key person insurance and work closely with you to provide the optimal care to restore your client to health after injury or illness.

Make contact today

Our consultations are targeted and efficient to give you the best possible value. Our expertise helps you avoid problems down the track and sets you up as a genuinely invested-in-your-people place to work.

We make it easy for you. Now’s a great time to get in touch.

Looking for Auckland rehabilitation or wellness support for your people?